What is an Erectile Function Test?
Erectile function testing is a method used to evaluate sexual dysfunction in men. Developed in 1997, the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire provides information on topics such as erectile function and sexual satisfaction.
Scope of the Test
IIEF focuses on the following areas:
1. Erection ability
2. Duration of erection
3. Sexual satisfaction
4. Orgasm quality
5. Overall satisfaction
Scoring and Classification
The survey's 6 questions determine the severity of erectile dysfunction (ED). Answers are scored from 1 (never) to 5 (always):
• 6-10: Severe ED
• 11-16: Medium ED
• 17-25: Mild ED
• 26-30: No ED
Importance of Answers
Honest answers that reflect your condition over the past 4 weeks will help your doctor determine the most appropriate treatment. Your answers are kept confidential.