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APPSSI Survey Table

1. How would you rate the impact of your penis size on your sexual body image?
(0) Very low
(1) Low
(2) Moderately affected but adequate
(3) High
(4) Very high
2. How would you rate your penis size affecting your confidence in having sexual intercourse?
(0) Very low
(1) Low
(2) Moderately affected but adequate
(3) High
(4) Very high
3. How important do you think the option of surgery is for you?
(0) I never think
(1) I would consider it if a positive result is guaranteed
(2) I need to re-evaluate the pros and cons
(3) I decided to have this surgery hoping for the best result.
(4) Whatever the outcome, surgery is necessary for me.
4. How do you feel about the final outcome of the surgery?
(0) The condition is worse than before the operation.
(1) Nothing has changed
(2) There is little improvement
(3) There was a significant improvement, it was worth it
(4) It was way above my expectations.

Please fill in your contact information so that our experts can get back to you as soon as possible based on your test results. This information is collected solely for the purpose of protecting your personal and data security and is not shared with third parties. The confidentiality of your information is our priority. Thank you for your understanding.


APPSSI can be a questionnaire or scale used to assess individuals' perceptions and satisfaction levels regarding issues such as sexual health, body image, and self-confidence. However, since this acronym may have been developed in a specific context, more information is needed to confirm its full acronym or its place in the literature. It is likely that APPSSI was developed as a scale for this context, and sample questions focus on areas related to sexual health such as body image, self-confidence, and evaluation of surgical outcomes.

How to Create APPSSI Questions?

The following steps can be followed when creating a scale such as APPSSI:

1. Goal Setting:

• It is determined which topic the survey will serve (e.g. sexual body image, self-confidence, surgical satisfaction).

2. Target Audience Definition:

• It is defined for whom the survey is prepared (e.g. individuals considering sexual health surgery).

3. Development of Questions:

• Care is taken to ensure that each question measures a specific dimension (e.g. satisfaction, self-confidence).

• Scale scores are usually arranged as Likert type (e.g. between 0-4).

4. Psychometric Tests:

• The reliability (ability to obtain the same results again) and validity (correctly measuring what it is intended to measure) tests of the survey are performed.

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