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Beck Depression Form

Dear respondent, sentences are given in groups below. First of all, read the sentences in each group carefully,

Choose the sentence that best describes how you have felt during the LAST WEEK INCLUDING TODAY.

If there is more than one sentence in a group that describes your situation and feelings, mark both.

1. Sadness and Distress: How sad or distressed have you felt over the past week?
2. Future Outlook and Pessimism: How hopeful or pessimistic did you feel about the future?
3. Perception of Success: How successful or unsuccessful did you feel?
4. Enjoyment and Interest: How much pleasure were you able to derive from daily activities?
5. Feelings of Guilt: How often have you felt guilty?
6. Sense of Punishment: Have you ever felt like you were being punished or deserved to be punished?
7. Self-Satisfaction: How satisfied are you with your own behavior and situation?
8. Self-Criticism and Acceptance of Mistakes: How often have you criticized yourself for your mistakes?
9. Suicidal Thoughts: During the past week, have you had thoughts of killing yourself?
10. Propensity to cry: How much have you felt the need to cry or cried during the past week?

What is the Beck Depression Inventory?

The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is a self-assessment scale used to measure and evaluate individuals' depressive symptoms. Developed by psychiatrist Dr. Aaron T. Beck, this test is widely used worldwide to determine the severity of depression.

How to Apply?

The test helps individuals assess their emotional, mental and physical states over the past week. The inventory consists of 21 questions in total, and each question has four options ranging from 0 to 3. Participants answer the questions in the test by choosing the option that best suits them.

Scoring System:

• The points from each question are added together to obtain a total score.

• Total score indicates the severity of depression:

• 0-13: Minimal depression

• 14-19: Mild depression

• 20-28: Moderate depression

• 29-63: Severe depression

Who Can Use It?

This inventory is suitable for both clinical and individual use. However, a psychiatrist or mental health professional should be consulted to make a definitive diagnosis and create a treatment plan.

Benefits of the Test:

• Provides the opportunity to detect depression symptoms early.

• It helps direct the treatment process by evaluating the severity of depression.

• It is also a useful self-assessment tool for individuals who want to understand their own emotional state.

It should be noted that the Beck Depression Inventory is only a screening tool. It is not sufficient to make a diagnosis on its own without expert opinion and clinical evaluation. It is important to consult a specialist in case of suspected depression.

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